Sunday, 16 November 2014

Year 6 trip to Temuka Golf Club.

This morning the Year 6 students were the guests of the Temuka Golf Club.

Getting organised.


A big "Thank You" to all of the volunteers that gave up their time this morning, and also the Temuka Golf club for letting us use their facilities. 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Year 13 students from Opihi.

Today 4 students from Opihi College came to ask us to participate in a re-cycling project to tie in with their Sustainabilty project.

Reading activities in Room 7.

Today the students in Room 7 are focused on their reading activities. Some of them are seeking information and answers on the computers and iPad, some are using their dictionary skills and one group is creating a weaved bracelet from their Journal.
As you can see some pupils enjoy the spotlight more than others. :)